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Just before Jesus’ ascension, he gives us the power-backed commission to go and make disciples. The prospect of being filled with his power while carrying out this command is astounding, but if you are anything like me, you have struggled to know how to do this. Hi, I’m Joe Svoboda, founder of Reproducible Discipleship and it is my heart’s desire to remedy this struggle for you and the ones you disciple. One of the dominant questions I get asked by leaders wanting to truly make disciples is, “How do I do this, practically and in a reproducing way?” This same nagging question rattled me for far too long, that is until I was discipled by someone who showed me how to do it. That experience birthed in me a drive, a clarity and an effectiveness in discipleship that you are also going to want to experience.

I have served in a variety of contexts that have spanned the globe, culminating in over 25 years of ministry. Through the guidance of those who discipled me, the Scripture, and based on my experiences, Reproducible Discipleship was founded. This approach to discipleship is structured, scalable and embodies transformative significance with reproducible results. Beyond just teaching you a method of disciple-making, we walk you through a biblically-based framework that helps you design your own approach.

Having served as a discipleship consultant for ministries all over the United States, Africa, Asia and SE Asia, I have had the privilege of watching believers grow in discipleship competence with results that transcended cultural barriers. I have seen those disciples go on to disciple others, who are now discipling others, who are now discipling others. Let me tell you, there is no feeling like it.

If you are serious about making disciples, Reproducible Discipleship will help you and those you disciple come alive in ways you’ve always hoped for. It has made a world of difference in my walk with Jesus and I know it will do the same for you.
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